Star Bamboo receives Green Label Singapore accreditation
Yet another piece of good news for Star Bamboo: We have just received the Green Label Singapore accreditation by Singapore Environmental Council.
Green labelling (or eco-labelling) refers to a scheme which awards environment-friendly products with eco-labels.
Labelling these environment-friendly products helps consumers identify and select them from those which are less so when they make their purchases.
What it means for you
So now you can purchase our bamboo flooring, with complete peace of mind that you are doing your part for the environment!
The Singapore Green Labelling Scheme
The Singapore Green Labelling Scheme (SGLS) was launched in May 1992 by the Ministry of the Environment.
The GreenLabel can be used on products which meet the eco standards specified by the scheme and is recognised as a member of the international Global Ecolabelling Network (GEN) allowing certification by mutual recognition of SGLS endorsed products by other members of the network.
Star Bamboo will gradually introduce the Green Label Singapore logo into all our packaging and marketing materials:
Thanks to all our partners and customers once again for your support, we couldn’t have done it without you!
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