Update on Scangauge II – How much money am I saving?
OK, it’s been about a month since I purchased the Scangauge II automotive computer. How am I doing so far?
I’m now averaging 9.4km/l, up from 8km – 8.5km/l previously. This is an improvement of 10 to 17.5%.
At 2,200km per month and the current petrol price of $2.24 for 95 octane petrol, I’m saving $53 to $91 per month. Not bad!
Do you want to save money as well? Check out this article on hypermiling for better fuel economy.
Some techniques are too extreme, but I practise some of these tips every time I drive, such as avoiding unnecessary acceleration and braking.
I even tried turning off the air-con on this morning’s daily commute to the office, just to see how much difference it would make.
To my astonishment, not using the air-con has resulted in an additional 19% improvement in my fuel economy! Given Singapore’s scorching weather, this is best done on cool evenings or after a spell of rain.
Simple changes to your driving habits can yield big savings. All you need is a little more attention and care.
Go try it today!
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