Archive for internet marketing

Our First Month of Blogging

In a flash, the Star Bamboo blog has already been up and running for just over a month now. How has the experience been?

Without a doubt, it has been a highly positive move. In the past month alone, we have reached out to hundreds of new visitors, and strengthened our relationship with existing clients.

We discussed a huge variety of topics, including:

  • Developments and events in Star Bamboo
  • Inside information on bamboo flooring and products
  • Cutting edge designs in eco-friendly products and furniture
  • The latest marketing and branding ideas
  • Interesting eco-trends and news from around the world

Half of these topics weren’t even in our original agenda when we started the blog. You can be sure that the topics will continue to evolve and change.

Corporate blogging is a relatively new phenomenon in Singapore. It’s hardly surprising when you consider that many Singapore companies, especially SMEs, don’t even have a corporate web site.

A simple corporate web site would cost only hundreds of dollars to set up, and much less to maintain. With such low costs involved, there aren’t many excuses not to have one.

A corporate blog is even cheaper. This Star Bamboo blog has an extremely attractive price tag: It’s free.

Now you have no reason not to have one. Why not start one today?
